
for mothers

Raising the bar for maternal support and perinatal care in Northern Virginia. Through birth work, postpartum education, family meal preparation & virtual perinatal coaching, my mission is to show mothers the standard of support they deserve. You are worthy of this level of care.

Care for all mothers.

I am here to support YOU. Knowing that the mother’s intuition is at the root of all decision making, I will honor your position at the helm and help you lead the way. Regardless of your choices, your circumstances & the visions you have for yourself & your family, I will meet you where you are & provide the resources & care necessary to leave you feeling empowered, confident & well supported.


A doula is your perinatal guide, the wise one that knows the lay of the land & walks alongside you to ensure you know the benefits & risks to every step, every direction & every decision. Equipped with knowledge, experience & a heart that beats for the betterment of mothers, a doula is there to ensure your vision, your values, & your intuition are protected throughout your pregnancy, birth & postpartum journey. It is vital to me that every mother I work with is left feeling

held heard nourished & nurtured

Hi, I’m Sarah.

Many of you can relate when I say that motherhood changed me. It has flown me to my highest highs and pulled me down to my lowest lows. Throughout it all one truth has remained & that is that mothers deserve more. We deserve to have our basic needs met but also to be met with a level of care that exceeds our wildest expectations. I know through my own experience as a mother, through my work as a doula and through the many trainings I’ve invested in that when the mother is honored, is well nourished & is properly nurtured the world around her shifts in magical and healing ways. My work is devoted to raising the bar for perinatal care in my community & beyond so that mothers and families may THRIVE.